
Conta league of legends lvl 40+/17 Skins/ sem elo season 9 LOL

Conta - j4m3la0yoyoyo - lvl 40 3 rp 165 ip Zed (projeto) Nidalee (inverno e reinos combatentes) Nasus (infernal) Master yi ( caçador de cabeças) Ryze Tryndamere ( quimtec e reinos combatentes) Annie Amumu (emumu) Irelia (lâminas negras) Tristana (bucaneira) Urgot (máquina de combate) Xin zhao Singed Katarina (juíza) Gangplank Soraka Warwick Sivir (princesa guerreira) Garen Ashe Janna (fnatic) Twisted fate (submundo) Fiora (corvo noturno) Cho gath Nunu Sion Karthus Poppy Udyr Kayle (riot) Blitz Morgana Akali Jax

Conta league of legends lvl 40+/17 Skins/ sem elo season 9

conta lvl 40+ de league of legends
(cód. 978865985)
Status: Ended
$ 19.54
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Member since: 12/2018

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