
Conta LOL Maokai Vitorioso, 54 Champs e Ícones raros. - League of Legends

Se tiver dúvidas pode me perguntar. Maestria: M6: Vayne e Lucian. M5: Ahri (1 Emblema da M6) e Lee Sin. M4: Heimerdinger, Nautilus, Vi, Tristana, Morgana, LeBlanc, Kog'Maw e Jax. M3: Ashe, Twisted Fate, Sivir, Blitzcrank, Nidalee, Jhin, Alistar, Riven, Annie e Amumu. M2: Garen, Malphite, Tryndamere, Warwick, Jayce, Irelia, Katarina, Master Yi, Sona, Cassiopeia, Miss Fortune, Xin Zhao e Cho'Gath. M1: Nunu & Willump, Veigar, Brand, Zac, Lux, Kassadin, Soraka, Maokai, Wukong, Shen, Kayle, Taric, Fiddlesticks, Janna e Poppy. Sem Maestria: Kayn, Mordekaiser, Shyvana e Singed.

Conta LOL Maokai Vitorioso, 54 Champs e Ícones raros.

conta desde 2013, nunca banida.
(cód. 975934754)
Status: Ended
$ 15.64
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andy69 ( 24 )

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Member since: 08/2018

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