
Conta League of Legends - 101 Champions/49 Skins - Platina 3 LOL

Conta de League of Legends - Platina 3 101 Champions e 49 Skins Champions da conta: aatrox ahri alistar amumu annie ashe azir blitz braum cait camille chogath corki mundo ekko evelynn ezreal fiddle fiora fizz galio gp garen gragas graves heimer irelia ivern janna jarvan jax jayce jhin jinx karma karthus kassadin kayle kayn kennen khazix kindred kog leblanc leesin leona lucian lulu lux malphite malzahar master yi mf mordekaiser morgana nasus nautilus nidalee noc nunu olaf orianna pantheon poppy quinn rakan rammus reksai rengar rumble ryze sejuani shaco shen shyvana sion sivir sona soraka tahm kench taliyah teemo tristana trundle trynda tf twitch udyr urgot varus vayne veigar vi viktor vlad warwick xayah xin yasuo zilean zoe

Conta League of Legends - 101 Champions/49 Skins - Platina 3

(cód. 940241182)
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